The men, charmed by the young girl, all pulled a dollar each out of their wallets and handed over the money to her.
The girl then pulled her dress up to her knees and showed her legs to them.
The young girl then smiled at them and said,
“If each one of you gentlemen will give me $10.00, I’ll show you my thighs.”
The men looked at each other and nodded.
Then they all pulled out a ten dollar bill each out of their wallets and handed over the money to her.
The girl pulled up her dress all the way up to her thighs and let them have a good look at them.
As the conversation continued, the young girl said,
“If each one of you gentlemen will give me $100, I will show you where I was operated on for appendicitis.”
All three looked at each other and nodded.
They then took out $ 100 each of their wallets and handed over the money to her.
The young girl then turned to the window and pointed outside at a building they were passing, and said,
“See that building out there. That’s the hospital where I had it done!”
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