It is not a secret that solving tests is an excellent way to spend some free time with benefits, as it makes your brain work so well.
Letter test
So, if you are about to do the same, we have some good test for you. The instruction is rather simple – you have to find four letters P, hidden among bunch of Rs.
It may seem that the task is very simple, but it’s not, as you have to complete it in just 10 seconds. Try to stay focused and concentrated, and don’t panic, as it may prevent you from getting the right answer.
It’s a good test to determine how focused your eyes can be! Pay attention to the way you feel. If you experience eye pain, then it’s a sign that you need to exercise them more.
Did you manage to find all four letters P?
Now, you can check the right answer.
By the way, did you know that eyes and brain work together? Brain sends the impulses to the eye muscles and makes them move really quickly to scan the picture and send the information back to the brain to process.
What a perfect way to spend some free time!
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