The Husband and wife had a blazing row!
The hubby stopped talking to his wife.
The wife said,
“I will count to 10. If you don’t start talking to me by then, I am going to my mother’s house!”
She started counting from 1 to 8 and stopped.
The impatient husband said,
“Why did you stop? Complete the count and go!”
The wife replied,
“See, you surrendered and started talking to me. Otherwise, I would have left! Now, I forgive you!”
A student comes to a young professor’s office hours.
A student comes to a young professor’s office hours.
She glances down the hall, closes his door, and kneels pleadingly.
“I would do anything to pass this exam.”
She leans closer to him, flips back her hair, and gazes meaningfully into his eyes.
“I mean…” she whispers, ”
I would do…anything.”
He returns her gaze.
His voice softens.
“Absolutely anything.”
His voice turns to a whisper.
“Would you…study?”
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