They went out on a drinking binge while their babies were at home, hungry and all alone.
While some parents wouldn’t let their newborn out of their sight for several months, this cruel couple left their twin babies all alone for days with no adult around. Only 16 weeks had passed since the little boy and girl were born, and despite their need for constant care and attention, the parents left them alone to starve because they wanted to go out partying.
The Russian mother, 23-year-old Margarita Yanayeva and her partner, 35-year-old Alexey had lied to their friends, saying that their babies were in the hospital and being treated for coronavirus. The couple from Vilyuchinsk then went on a drinking binge and partied for four days straight while their infant twins were hungry with no adult around to feed or care for them.
“In the course of four days they were not feeding the children, and did not arrange alternative care for them,” an investigation source said. Instead of being there to fulfil their children’s needs or leaving them under the supervision of someone who could, the parents “subjected them to hunger, did not ensure hygiene, leaving the minors were in a socially dangerous state.”
Meanwhile, the grandmother of the twin babies had been trying to get in touch with the parents over the phone. The grandmother knew that their area was under lockdown and started growing increasingly concerned when she couldn’t contact them. She immediately informed the police and the twins were later found allegedly locked up in the apartment by Margarita and her partner, Alexey.
The twins, who were just 16 weeks old, were then taken to a hospital in Russia’s Kamchatka region.
The Mirror reported that the grandmother was the one who found the twins in a “gravely emaciated” condition. Unfortunately, the baby boy died after being in a coma while the baby girl is in a grave condition and is fighting to survive.
The couple, who completely neglected their twins, face charges of not fulfilling their parental duties as well as putting their children’s lives in danger. If convicted for the murder of their son, they can even face a sentence that would put them behind bars for up to 20 years.
A similar incident where parents starved their children was seen in Arizona where parents, 23-year-old Anthony Jose Archibeque-Martinez and 26-year-old Elizabeth Archibeque-Martinez had locked their 6 and 7-year-old sons in a closet. Police officials said that they were left in the closet for about a month without food, after which the 6-year-old boy died.
Officers found the boy after receiving an emergency call informing them about an unresponsive child. They found the 6-year-old’s body was significantly malnourished but had no signs of trauma visible on the body. Officials tried to revive him but it was too late.
When the parents were questioned about their act, they revealed that keeping the children in the closet was a punishment “because they were stealing food by sneaking out at night when the parents slept,” revealed the police. While keeping them in the closet, the parents said that they would at times refuse to give the children any food.
It was also reported that the boy’s grandmother, 50-year-old Ann Marie Martinez was in on the harsh treatment the boys were given. Both the parents as well as the grandmother were taken into custody based on the suspicion of first-degree felony homicide. They are face charges of child abuse on two counts.
The report from March 2020 said that the other siblings, who were 7, 4, and 2 years old were taken into safe custody by the Arizona Department of Child Safety after the parents and grandmother were charged.
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