The teacher asks the class of children to come up with a sentence beginning with “I”.
After some children come to the front with predictable statements about having a cat or a certain toy, a child steps up and says a sentence, “I is-” and is immediately interrupted by the teacher, “I am!”
She side-eyes the teacher, frowns, and ignores her teacher, starting again, “I is-” again, the teacher interrupts her, this time a little more snappily, “It’s I am! Use the proper word!”
The girl turns to look at her this time, eyelids drooped with exasperation.
“Fine,” she sighs, “I AM the ninth letter of the alphabet.”
Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!
Johnny Asked The Teacher.
Johnny: Hello Teacher, let me ask you a question.
Teacher: Okay.
Johnny: How do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?
Teacher: You can’t, it’s too big.
Johnny: Wrong. All you have to do is open the refrigerator and put it in there.
Teacher: Hm. Okay then.
Johnny: Let me ask you another question. How do put a Donkey inside that fridge?
Teacher: Easy, just open the door and put it in there.
Johnny: Still wrong. First, you have to take the elephant out, then put the donkey in the fridge.
Teacher: Uh, okay.
Johnny: Next question. If a lion had a birthday party and all the animals went to it, what animal is missing?
Teacher: All because the lion eats them.
Johnny: Wrong, the donkey is missing because he’s still in the fridge.
Teacher: Are you kidding me?
Johnny: Okay, last question. If you are at a River and crocodiles live in it, how do you get across?
Teacher: You build a boat and float across. If you try to swim across you will be eaten.
Johnny: Nope. All you have to do is swim across because all the animals went to Lion’s birthday party.
Teacher: Get out.
LOL!! So cute!!
Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!
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