Jane always had a certain attraction to Tarzan. So during her questions about his life, she asked him how he had s*e*x.
“Tarzan not know what is s*e*x”, he replied.
Jane then explained to him what s*e*x was.
Tarzan said….”Tarzan use knot hole in trunk of tree.”
Stunned by his response, Jane said: “Tarzan you have it all wrong, you don’t shag a tree to get yourself off. Tell you what, I will show you how to do it properly.”
She took off her clothing and laid down on the ground.
“Here” she said, pointing to her privates, “you must put it in here.”
Tarzan removed his loin cloth, showing Jane his considerable manhood, stepped closer to her and kicked her as hard as he could in the crotch.
Jane rolled around in agony for what seemed like an eternity.
Eventually she managed to grasp for air and screamed: “What the bloody hell did you do that for?
“Check for squirrel.” he responds.
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