Quality Over Quantity, Right?

Paddy and Mick were two honest, hard-working Irish laborers.

They were unemployed, so they decided to go west to that big Irish colony across the big sea to see if they could find work.

When they arrived, they ended up in the Midwest.

They saw a road construction company and inquired about jobs.

“We’re taking electricity to lots of rural places. We need the poles erected for the power lines. Can you two do that?”

“Of course we can!” replied Mick.

They couldn’t, but no good Irishman ever admits he can’t do a job.

The manager drove them out into the country and up a very rural road. He showed them a pile of wooden electricity poles.

He told them, “Get as many of those as you can erect within the week. You’ll live here in that cabin over there. At the end of the week, I’ll be back to pay you and see how you’ve done.”

At the end of the week, the manager returned. He paid them and then asked, “How many poles did you get done?”

“50,” said Paddy.

“50! Only 50!” said the manager. “That other team down the road did 200.”

“Aye,” said Mick, “but did you see how much they left sticking out of the ground?!”

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