Pregnant woman with loss of brain function was kept alive for 123 days to give birth to twins before before she leaves for another world

In 2017, when Frankielen da Silva Zampoli Padilha was only nine weeks pregnant, her family didn’t know if she would pull through. Despite the fact that her outcome was not what they wanted, the family is still celebrating.

Reportedly, doctors saw that babies of Frankielen still had a heartbeat even after she left her life. The doctors were able to keep her alive so that her body would be able to provide the nutrients for the twins, but Frankielen couldn’t survive because she was brain d*ead.

While Frankielen was in the hospital, her nurses made sure that her room was decorated so that it was comfortable. They treated her family like they were special as well. When an ultrasound was performed, doctors didn’t think that they would see anything. What they saw was a miracle because both babies were growing and thriving. Each day that passed meant that the twins could be delivered as healthy babies.

Fortunately, the mother’s organs had not suffered any kind of damage from the stroke, which is how the babies were growing. She spent 123 days in the hospital and then her babies were delivered via C-section. The little boy and girl were kept in an incubator and were being cared for by their father and by the nurses for about three months.

Mother of Frankielen is saddened by the loss of her daughter, but she is happy that there is a part of her left behind for the family to love. Soon after Frankielen’s children were born, her life support was shut off so that her family could grieve her passing away while enjoying her babies.

Source: Dailymail, Apost

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