One Flick Flame Saves His Life.

A US pilot was shot down in an air battle over the Pacific.

He parachuted to safety and landed on the beach of a tiny, remote island.

The islanders, who were cannibals, gathered him up and brought him to their village.

The next day, he was presented to the chief.

The chief examined him and declared, “You are suitable for tonight’s feast!”

Panicking, the pilot began bargaining for his life.

“I’ll pay you lots of money!” he pleaded.

“We have no use for money,” the chief replied.

“The U.S. will send teachers and doctors!”

“We do not need for those either,” said the chief.

Finally, the chief added, “Show us some white-man magic, and you may live.”

Thinking quickly, the pilot pulled out his zippo lighter.

“I can summon fire with my fingers!” he declared.

Curious, the chief commanded, “Show us!”

The pilot flicked the lighter open, and instantly a flame appeared.

The villagers gasped in amazement.

The chief nodded, “That is indeed magic. You may live.”

Suddenly, the chief’s eldest son piped up,

“But Dad, we’ve seen zippo lighters before!”

The chief responded,

“Yes, but not one that works on the first try!

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