No more tomorrows for Me

When the day arrives that there are no more tomorrows for me, I want my children to know and never forget that they were, are, and always will be deeply loved by me.

My feeling of responsibility for the safety and well-being of my children is so strong, that should an asteroid threaten to wipe out all life on earth, I would still hold myself responsible for their fate.

Having children is my greatest achievement. It was my saviour. It switched my focus from the outside to the inside. My childen are gifts, they remind me of what’s important.

What it’s like to be a parent: It’s one of the hardest things you’ll ever do but in exchange it teaches you the meaning of unconditional love.

If a good mother is one who loves her child more than anyone else in the world, I am not a good mother. I am in fact a bad mother. I love my husband more than I love my children.

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