My family is my greatest treasure.
We aren’t perfect, but I love them with all my heart.

Dear Lord Jesus, we thank You for our family and friends and the opportunity of joining together in this time of family worship as we lift up our voices in joyful praise and thanksgiving, for all Your goodness and grace to us.
Thank You for the opportunity to come before You as a family to offer up our intercessions and prayers.
Thank You for providing for our daily needs and the necessities of life and for the many blessing that You shower over each one of us with such abundance. Thank You for our daily food, our home our health, and the love that we share together.
And most of all we thank You for Jesus, Who died on the cross to pay the price for our sins and rose again the third day, breaking the power of sin and death in our lives – and how we praise and thank You for the indwelling Holy Spirit, Who leads and guides and protect us, day-by-day.
Forgive us for the times when we have neglected to keep Jesus as the central Person in our lives and for the times when we have not shown the love of Jesus to one another.
Keep us mindful of the need to grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus and teach us all to walk in a godly way, to Your praise and glory.
Help us at home and in the wider world to be good and faithful witnesses to the good news of the gospel of grace and may we individually and as a family reflect the love of Jesus in our lives to Your greater glory – this we ask in Jesus name, Amen.
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