Mother And Daughter: ‘We’d Rather Be Fat On Benefits Than Thin And Working’

A mother-daughter duo weight about 43 stone (which is slightly over 600 pounds).

The two women make about £34,000 (approximately $42,300) per year – but neither woman works.

They get all that money from handouts. They say they are too disabled to work. They prefer a life of obesity.

Amber Manzur, 25, and her mother Janice live in Kirkcaldy, Fife.


Even their home has been modified to accommodate their needs.

Janice (who weighs 364 pounds) has been claiming her benefits since 2006, Amber hasn’t worked for almost two years.

The women say they do not plan to try and lose any weight. They don’t want to live life as thin and depressed people.

Um, not all thin people are depressed. But, Amber and Janice are content to be overweight.

Do they realize they are shortening their lives by being overweight? Janice lives with angina, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

Fat, happy and sick is not how many ‘normal’ people choose to live.

I guess there is no incentive to lose weight if you can make good money from benefits.

anice has a wheelchair accessible Fiat Qubo and a scooter to get around; her daughter also has a mobility scooter.

She even has a ramp outside her home, so she has easy access.

This shouldn’t be allowed to happen. People are taking advantage of the system.

Thousands of homeless people could be getting that money – instead, we spend it on people who are just too lazy to try – try to work, try to be productive, try to be healthy.

Share away, people.

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