Mom Writes Tear-Worthy Poem About Kid’s Growing Up: “The Last Time”

“The Last Time” is a beautiful and touching poem– written by an unknown author– about parenting and the fleeting nature of time. The poem is written from the perspective of one mother to another, as a plea to appreciate each moment and stage of life as they come and go.

It starts out remembering the sleepless nights, and days “full of feedings and burping, nappy changes and crying” that come in the early stages of parenthood with an infant. The poet explains that, though that stage may feel never-ending, those days go quickly. “There will come a time when you will feed your baby for the very last time.”

The poem continues to look at the different stages of parenting all the way from the beginning– feeding an infant– to the moment when your child “will ask to walk to the [school] gate alone.”

The message is simple: don’t let any moment pass by and don’t wish any stage of life away, because– before you know it– you’ll be doing all these things for the last time.

Read the full poem below.

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