Mama, I miss you so much

No one is meant to live forever. We have to say goodbye to every last one of our beloved friends, family members and dearest ones. This is the saddest truth of life. It is often hard to find words to express our feelings when our closest one departs forever.

Here is some really good rest in peace messages which can help you in expressing your feelings for the loss.

1. Some truths in life are hard to accept. Your departure is one of those hard truths. Your memories will never be forgotten! They will always remain with us forever.

2. A man may die but his legacy will continue through his deeds. Today the pain of losing you is difficult to bear because this world needed you for some more years.

3. I don’t remember when was the last time I cried this much. You have left some wonderful memories that will never fade from my heart. Rest in peace!

4. I don’t know how to console my grieving heart at your departure. I know mourning is not the best way to say goodbye to you, but I don’t know how to control myself!

5. Nothing is more painful in this world than losing someone you love so dearly. I am so much broken but I will pray for your departed soul in every moment of my life.

6. No one could ever take your place in my heart. Today I am crying because I have lost a person who occupied a very special place in my heart! RIP.

7. Life can be so illogical at times. Today I am crying for the person who taught me how to laugh. You meant everything to me. Rest in peace my dear!

8. You will be missed forever and always. The beautiful moments you shared with us will always speak of a great person that you were. Rest in peace up in the heaven!

9. I really wish it’s a dream. I hope I will wake up sometimes later and find you sitting beside me and smiling. I want you to wake me up from this nightmare.

10. I found my soulmate in you. There was never a person nor there will ever be anyone who can take your place in my heart. Rest in peace dear!

11. Today as you are gone, I feel like I have lost my smile forever. I don’t know how my life will be without you. I will miss you forever! Rest in peace!

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