Little Johnny’s wife went to their doctor & when he asked what was the problem was she told him Little Johnny’s no good in bed, well
The doctor is amazed & said are we talking about the same bloke, the one we use to call Little Johnny
“ B0ner” when we were kids,
she replied that’s him alright, when we get into bed he is either ” too tired or he’s got a headache ( now where have I heard that before) & I’ve tried Viagra & still no good.
So the Doc gives her these tablets & tells her to be very careful & tonight around dinner time put one in his drink.
The next day Little Johnny’s wife storms into the Doc’s surgery & throws the tablets at him & Doc says don’t tell me they didn’t work,
she says they worked alright, & the Doc says well what’s the problem & she says I dropped them in his drink at dinner time, next minute he sent everything on the table flying, threw me on on the table & done the deed.
Well the Doc said “ what’s the problem “ & she said
“ It’s the last time we’ll be eating at that restaurant “
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