The little Johnny is lying in bed, busting to go to the toilet.
So he gets out of bed, runs downstairs into the living room, and finds his mother chatting to a bunch of her friends.
“MUM,” the Little Johnny yells at the top of his voice,
Well, needless to say, the mother is mortified at her son’s language in front of her guests and scolds the young boy.
“Johnny, we do NOT shout that kind of language in front of mummy’s guests! Next time, just whisper, okay?”
The little boy nods sheepishly.
His mum takes him to the bathroom and tucks him back into bed.
The next night, little Johnny is busting to go to the toilet again.
So he gets out of bed, runs downstairs into the living room, and there is his mother, having a glass of wine with her friends.
“Mum! I gotta whisper, I gotta whisper!”
Mum excuses herself and takes Johnny to the bathroom, smiling at her son’s innocent mistake, but relieved that he was at least more discreet than last time.
She takes Johnny back upstairs and tucks him into bed.
“Well done, sweetie,” she says, kissing him goodnight,
“that was much more polite.”
A few nights go by, and lo and behold, the little Johnny is busting to go to the toilet again.
So he gets out of bed, runs downstairs into the living room, and there is his dad watching TV.
“Dad!” Johnny says softly,
“I gotta whisper, I gotta whisper!”
“Aw, is that so, little buddy?” says dad, his eyes fixed on the television.
“Come on over here and whisper in daddy’s ear.”
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