‘I was just sitting there catching them’ – Dad helps residents forced to jump from third floor apartment fire

“The third floor, the apartment was on fire. They had to jump out. (It was) the only way they could’ve survived. So I was just sitting there catching them and they knocking me down, but I keep getting back up to catch them,” William said.

“My adrenaline was just rushing and I just wanted to get everyone out the building,” he added.

Among those forced to jump from the third floor were a pregnant woman and a baby.

“I lifted the window up, and then I just started tossing my kids out. And then, once I got my kids out, I got my mother out,” said resident and mother-of-three Ericka Burns.

Georgia firefighters said 17 people had to be taken to hospital adding at one point the flames were 25 feet above the roof.

“I couldn’t think, especially once I saw the flames. It was crazy. I never experienced anything like this in my life,” Burns said.

DeKalb residents forced to jump from burning apartment complex; 18 injured

Fire crews and residents have given William the apt title of hero, one which he’s very modest about.

“Just catch as many people as I can, make sure everybody’s out the house,” he said. “Once everybody was out of the house, I was just relieved that nobody was killed.”

This man is a hero. He didn’t even think about his own safety when he stopped to help these people jump to safety.

Help us to honor William Cox by sharing this story with all the people you know today.

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