Shared on Reddit, the puzzle is challenging players to count the number of nines there are in this image, and it isn’t as easy as it looks.
Can you correctly count the number of ‘9s’ in this image?
Credit: Reddit
The picture features an enormous figure made up of 102 digits with several number 9s within it.
While some players have been convinced they are looking for the number of nines that the figure is divisional by, it is actually far simpler.
To find the correct answer you simply have to count the number of nines in the figure, which is 14.
However, you’d be fooled if you think that is the correct answer as it is actually 15 – don’t forget to count the 9 in the question!
Bài viết How Many 9 Are In This Picture? 99% People Failed đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Levanews.
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