How Fast Can You Spot What’s Wrong In This Photo Of A Woman Crossing The Road

A photo of a woman in white has sparked a frenzy on social media – but can you discover what’s wrong with the pic on your own?

With optical illusions taking over the internet, most of us can’t help but try to figure them all out and see what all the fuss is about.

This time, your job is to look closely at the photo below and find out what’s wrong with it.

In the picture, a woman clad in white is seen crossing a road at a pedestrian crossing. She is wearing a dark handbag, hoop earrings, and has her hair tied into a ponytail.

On the other side of the street, one can spot a fellow pedestrian wearing jeans coming towards the woman. Have another look at the photo and let us know what you’ve found!

Did you spot anything unusual yet? If not, we’re ready to give you a few hints to set you on the right track. First of all, forget about the people in the picture – there’s nothing wrong with them!

There’s also nothing wrong with the trees and cars in the background. So what could have caused this photo to go viral?

If you still haven’t solved the mystery, here’s our final hint: one of the ‘drivers’ in the photo is very, very hairy.

As it happens, the white car in front of the woman crossing the street appears to be operated by a large dog. Due to the camera’s focus and the woman’s bright outfit, however, it is easy not to spot the dog at first glance!

How fast did you spot the dog in this optical illusion? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more news and stories, follow us on Facebook!

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