May your day begin with a smile on your face, love in your heart and happiness within your soul.

Good morning my wonderful friends, today it’s Tuesday of HOLY Week and I just want to share with you this Easter prayer:
Praise You Father for the atoning death and glorious resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
We thank You, Father, that Christ was risen from the dead and is seated today at the right hand of the majesty of high, having won the final victory over sin, Satan and death.
Thank You that Christ is risen from the dead, and has Himself become the first-fruit of a great harvest of souls, who have fallen asleep in Him.
Thank You that all who belong to Christ, have been given the forgiveness of their sins and received newness of life in Him and will one day be raised from the grave, to live forevermore with You in heavenly places.
Thank you that by the cross and resurrection of Christ every ruler, authority, principality, and power have been placed under His supreme authority and rule and that Christ Himself shall reign until He has humbled all His enemies beneath His feet.
We rejoice today and always, that Christ is risen from the dead and how did become the first of the sleepers to be raised and glorified, all power and glory; might and majesty; dominion and power be unto Him that sits upon the throne, for ever and ever, Amen.
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