A little boy named Charlie complains to his teacher,
“I’m too smart for 1st grade!”.
The teacher then goes to the principal with Charlie. The principle first asks some questions:
3 x 3? 9
6 x 3? 18
6 squared? 36
The principal is impressed by Charlie’s intelligence, and allows him to be in the 3rd grade.
The teacher responds “HOLD THE DAMN PHONE!” and asks Charlie some questions.
What does a cow have 4 of that I only have 2?
Harry then says ‘Legs’
What is in your pants that is not in mine?
What does a dog do that a man steps into?
What goes in hard and comes out soft?
‘bubble gum’
What does a man do standing up, a woman sitting down, and a dog on 3 legs?
‘shake hands’
What word starts with F, has a U and C in it, and ends with a K that means heat and excitement?
The Principal then says “F*ck that, he can go to 5th grade, since I got the last 7 questions wrong.
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