Carrying a child doesn’t make you a mother. Dropping everything in your life to make sure your child has a good life makes you a mother.

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for my Mom and for all the love and patience that she has tirelessly given to me throughout my life.
I am so grateful for her and although I don’t often show her how much I love her. I do want to thank You with all my heart for blessing me with my dear mother.
Thank You for all the sacrifices that she has made for me on so many occasions and for the way that she never seems to think about her own needs.
But always tries to do what is best for me, and I am also very grateful for her faithful prayers for me, day by day.
I know that they have been instrumental in keeping me steady on those occasions when I might have gone astray.
I pray Your special blessing on my Mom and ask that You would guard her and protect her with good health and fill her with Your comfort and joy, and may she grow ever closer to You in the days that lie ahead, this I ask in Jesus name
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