Bride Requests Bridesmaids To Remove Dresses They Wore After Wedding Because She Doesn’t Want Dresses To Be Worn For Another Occasion

A bridesmaid can’t believe what the bride asked her to do after the ceremony.

On Reddit’s “Am I the A******? (AITA)” forum, the bridesaid explained what happened. Accordingly, she and the other bridesmaids all felt they lucked out with their dresses. The dresses were comfortable, flattering and in a style the bridesmaids could wear again. Howevver, the bride didn’t want these dresses to used for anything except her wedding. Here is the bride’s Reddit post:

“My best friend’s wedding was this past weekend.
There were four bridesmaids in total (including me). We all got the same matching dresses, costing about $220 each. Super pretty, comfortable and definitely something you could wear to another event or just a night out.
This morning I and the other three bridesmaids got a group text from the bride saying she expected us to not wear the dresses we wore to the wedding anywhere else and to get rid of them because they were only for her special occasion,
I replied saying I wouldn’t be tossing out a dress I spent that much money on, and now she won’t talk to me.”

For illustration purpose

People on Reddit thought the bride was being unreasonable.
One users said: “Sounds like she is controlling. Get her out of your life NOW,”
“She is ridiculous. If she doesn’t want you to wear it tell her to buy it off you,”
Another said: “It’s your dress; do with it as you please,”

How about you? What do you think? Share your idea!

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