An owl gets thirsty during his evening flight.
He spots a group of 13 male owls hanging out in a tree and approaches them.
“Hey, I’m thirsty”, he hoots,
“Know any good bars around here to get a drink?”
“No”, they hoot back,
“But we’re thirsty too. We’ll go searching for a place to drink with you!”
They fly around together in the dark of night looking for a bar, but unfortunately, all the places they go are shut.
Instead, they come across a group of 10 female owls sitting in a tree.
The male owls approach them.
“Hey ladies, do you know any good bars around here to get a drink?”
The group of lady owls say they do not, but accept the invitation to go looking with the group of male owls.
After more flying in the dark, they spot a bar in the middle of nowhere.
The lights inside the building are on and the door is open.
The owls tentatively walk through the entrance and a barman is behind the bar, but there are no customers.
“Hey is this bar open?”, they hoot in unison.
“Yes!”, replies the barman,
“This bar is open 24 owls”
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