An Old Man Had A Dog.

An old man had a dog he just loved,

But the dog had the bad habit of attacking anything that moved including people.

His friends told him that if he had the dog fixed he would lose his aggressions and quit this behaviour.

So the old man had his dog fixed and a few days later was in his front room when the mailman came up the steps.

The dog jumped up and went right thru the screen door and attacked the mailman.

The old man ran out and pulled his dog off and began apologizing to the mailman.

He said,

“I am so sorry, I don’t know what to do or say. My friends told me he would quit attacking people if I had him fixed. I just don’t know what to do.”

The mailman picked himself up and said,

“You should have had his teeth pulled, I knew when he came out the door he wasn’t going to screw me.”

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