After his daughter taunts a cancer patient and removes her wig, her father shaves her head

After his daughter, 16, picked on a cancer patient and removed her wig, the father became so upset that he decided to teach her a lesson by shaving her head.

The guy explained in a now-deleted Reddit post that his daughter was disciplined at school for making fun of a classmate who had lost her hair due to cancer treatment.

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As part of her tormenting, she even went so far as to remove the girl’s wig. The father reasoned that the only way to get his daughter to learn a lesson was to be much more blunt since she showed no remorse.

However, as the father emphasised, the daughter’s actions is not justified by having “bad blood” with someone.

They had supposedly been at odds since since the daughter started seeing the other girl’s ex-boyfriend.

He added, “It genuinely appalled me to hear how she acted from her deputy principle. Not how I’ve raised my daughter to respect people.”

In fact, she defended her actions by asserting that the girl in issue deserved them. The father had had enough by this time.

The man gave the adolescent two options since there was no way he was going to let this issue go. First off, he would no longer buy her anything technological, including her phone, computer, and other devices. Two, she may visit the hairstylist and get her whole head shaved.

And she doesn’t obtain a wig; instead, she continues to attend class without it until it comes back. She ultimately decided to go with that.

“Her mother went crazy at me stating it will make her the target of bullying,” he wrote in the post, “which is kind of the purpose, show her some compassion.”

Keep in mind that the father didn’t consult his ex-wife because she “moved on with her new family” and had full custody of their daughter.

I devised the punishment because I believed my daughter lacked a profound understanding of the girl she mistreated,” the father claims.

“My daughter is aware of this, which is why I was so repulsed by her actions. There was a blatant lack of humanity displayed. I believed she would learn a lesson if she went to school bald and walked a mile in the other girl’s shoes.

What do you think, then? Do you think the father’s punishment was excessive? Let us know what you think in the comment area.

The post After his daughter taunts a cancer patient and removes her wig, her father shaves her head appeared first on Shortquotesworld.

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