A woman sends a letter and a photo to her cheating husband.

Revenge appears to be a topic that is frequently explored. It is something that some individuals throw out, while others may find themselves on the receiving end. When we do something to someone, there is usually a sense of gratification that comes along with it. The satisfaction for the woman who got revenge on her unfaithful husband in this photo had to be off the charts! The letter doesn’t actually tell him what’s going on behind the scenes, but I’m sure he realized when he saw the photo that the truth had been revealed. Enjoy!

To my sweetheart of a spouse,

I just wanted to let you know about the minor mishap I had with the pick-up truck when I turned into the driveway before you return home from your abroad trip. Fortunately, it wasn’t too severe, and I wasn’t really harmed, so don’t worry too much about me.

I was driving home from Wal-Mart when I mistakenly pressed the accelerator instead of the brake when turning into the driveway. Although the garage door is slightly dented, the pickup truck came to a halt when it collided with your prized Ferrari.

I apologize profusely, but I am confident that you will forgive me because of your compassionate nature. My dear, you know how much I adore and care about you. I’ve attached a photo for you.

I can’t wait to cradle you in my arms once more.

Your devoted wife.


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