A Very Loving Couple Were On Their Way.


A very loving couple were on their way to organise their wedding when they had a horrific car crash and died.

When they reached the Pearly Gates they asked St. Peter,

“We were on our way to get married when we arrived here, do you know if it’s possible to get married in Heaven?”

“Do you know,” St. Peter replied,

“I’ve never been asked that. Wait here and I’ll go and find out.”

While the couple were waiting they had time to talk so when St Peter came back saying,

“Great news! It IS possible to get married in Heaven, follow me,” they stopped him again and asked,

“Um, ok but we’ve been talking and getting married in Heaven isn’t until death do you part is it, if we changed our minds at some point….is it possible to get divorced in Heaven?”

St. Peter looks at them a little peeved,

“It’s just taken me three weeks to find a priest up here and now you want me to find a lawyer?”

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