The Infinite Loop is a computer programming concept, describing a situation of cause and effect that continues forever, one action causing another action that causes the first action etc. etc.
These loops never happen in real life, unless…
A company CEO tells his secretary:
“Next week we’re going to a convention abroad and spend some quality time together, please make all the required arrangements.”
The secretary calls her husband:
“Next week the boss is taking me abroad for a week on business, please take care of yourself during this time.”
The husband calls his lover:
“My wife is going abroad for a week, let’s spend it together…”
The lover, a private school teacher, tells the children:
“Because of a personal problem, I will not be at school next week, so you’ll be studying at home.”
One of the kids went to his grandfather and said:
“Grandpa, next week I don’t have school, you promised me that if I had time off we’d go to the mountains together.”
The grandfather, who was also the CEO, calls his secretary and tells her:
“My grandson asked me to spend the week with him, so we’re not going abroad.”
The secretary calls her husband:
“The boss cancelled, we’ll be together, my love.”
The husband calls his lover:
“We can’t spend the week together, my wife is staying.”
The lover tells the kids:
“My problem was solved, school is back on.”
The kid goes to the grandfather:
“Sorry grandpa, school is back on, I won’t be able to go.”
The CEO calls his secretary:
“My grandson won’t be able to spend next week with me, rebook the flight abroad.”
The secretary calls her husband….
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