A Police Officer In Grafton Stops At A Local Farm.


A police officer in Grafton stops at a local farm.

He talks with an old farmer and tells him.

” I need to inspect your farm for illegally grown drugs”.

The farmer says,

” Okay, but do not go in that field over there,” as he is pointing out the location.

The police officer verbally explodes saying,

” Mister, I have the authority of the federal government with me”.

Reaching into his rear pants pocket, and proudly displays it to the farmer.

” See the badge old man? This badge means I am allowed to go on any land … have I made myself clear”.

The farmer apologizes, nods, and goes about his chores.

A short time later the old farmer hears loud screaming,

looks up, and sees the police officer running in front of the farmer’s Santa Gertrudis bull.

With every step the officer makes the bull gains two, only seconds before the bull reaches him.

The rancher drops his tools stands up and yells.

“Your badge, Show him your badge!

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