A Mother-In -Law Decides To Test Her Three Son-In- laws. –

A Mother -in -Law decides to test her three Son- in-laws for their good nature.

For this, she goes for a walk by a river with the first son-in-law & jumps in.

He saves her.

The next morning he finds a Toyota Corolla parked outside his house with note:

From your Mother In Law.

Next she goes for a walk by the river with the second son-in-law & jumps in.

He too saves her.

The next morning he also finds a Toyota Corolla parked outside his house with note:

From your Mother In Law.

she goes for a walk by a river with the third son-in-law

& jumps in. He just laughs and walks away.

Next morning he finds a BMW M5 parked outside his house with a note:

from your Father In Law

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The post A Mother-In -Law Decides To Test Her Three Son-In- laws. – appeared first on How To Lose Weight.

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