A Man Looking To Buy A Horse. –

A man named Jack strides into Bob’s Stables looking to buy a horse.

“Listen here,” says Bob, .

“I’ve got just the horse you’re looking for.

The only thing is he was trained by an interesting fellow.

He doesn’t stop and go the usual way.

The only way to get him to stop is to yell ‘hey hey!’, and the way to get him to go is by yelling ‘Thank God!’”

Jack nodded his head.

“Fine with me. Can I take him for a test run?”

Bob agrees. A few minutes later, Jack is having the time of his life, thinking to himself that the horse sure could run fast.

As he speeds down a dirt road, he panics as he realizes there’s a cliff-edge fast approaching.

“Stop!” screams Jack, to no avail.

He remembers what he has to say to make the horse stop just five feet from the edge and yells:


The horse skids to a halt, with just an inch to spare before a sheer drop of hundreds of feet.

Gasping, Jack looks over the cliff edge in disbelief at his good fortune.

He looks up to the sky, raises his hands in the air and breathes a deep sigh of relief.

With conviction, he says:

“Thank God!”

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