A Man Comes Up With The Perfect Response When A Woman Asks Him A Ridiculous Question

From the time that we are young children and learn how to speak, we begin to ask questions. Being inquisitive is the way that we learn and we may find that some kids are asking questions continuously. The parents may even refer to them as being a ‘question box’ and although it can be a little distracting at times, we also recognize that it is a part of growing up. There are also some adults who ask a lot of questions, and some of those questions may be none of their business. That is what we see in the following joke about a woman who asked a question and gets an answer that she didn’t expect.

A man boarded a plane with six kids and got settled into their seats.

A woman sitting across the aisle leans over and says, “Excuse me sir but are these your kids?”

To which he replied, “No, I work for a company that manufactures condoms. And these are customer complaints.”

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