A Lion Walks Up To A Zebra. –

A lion walks up to a zebra

Lion’s walking in the woods and comes up to a zebra and the lion says,

“you know something zebra? You are a ridiculous looking animal. You’re half white. Half black. Half horse. Half donkey. Look at me. I’m rough. I’m tough. I’m the king of the jungle.”

Zebra just shrugs and moves on.

Lion comes to a giraffe.

Lion says, “you know something giraffe? You are a ridiculous looking animal. You’ve got a long neck and little horns. Look at me. I’m rough. I’m tough. I’m the king of the jungle.”

Then he comes to a frog and says,

“you know something frog? You are a ridiculous looking animal. You’re green and slimey.”

And the frog says,

“Hey! F*ck You! I’ve been sick.”

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