A Lawyer Is Trying To Call His Clients.


A lawyer is trying to call his clients.

The phone rings and a little Johnny, in a whisper, says, ” Hello”

Lawyer: “Is your mommy there?”

Boy: (whispers) “Yes.”

Lawyer: “Can I speak to her?”

Boy: (whispers) “She’s very busy.”

Lawyer: “Is your daddy there?”

Boy: (whispers) “Yes.”

Lawyer: “Can I speak to him?”

Boy: (whispers) “No, He’s very busy.”

Lawyer: “Is there anyone else there?”

Boy: (whispers) “Yes, the fire department.”

Lawyer: “Can I talk to one of them?”

Boy: (whispers) “No, They’re busy too.”

Lawyer: “Is there anybody ELSE there?”

Boy: (whispers) “The police department.”

: “Well, can I talk to one of them?”

Boy: (whispers) “No, They’re busy too.”

Lawyer: “Let me get this straight, your mother, father, the fire department and the police department are all in your house, and they are all busy. What are they doing?”

Boy: (whispers) “Looking for me.”

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