A guy demands from the bartender a 40-year old scotch…
The bartender pours him a glass.
After a drink, the man replies, “That was terrible Scotch and you know it. I want 40-year old Scotch.”
The bartender pours him another glass.
After another drink, the man replies, “That was only 10-year old Scotch. I want 40-year old Scotch.”
The bartender is starting to get curious now, and grabs a bottle from his top shelf and pours another glass.
The man takes a sip, and says, “That’s better, but it was still only 20-year old Scotch. I want 40-year old Scotch.
By now a crowd has started to form. The bartender reaches into his private stash, and pours again.
Another sip, and the man proclaims, “Now THIS is 40-year old Scotch,” to cheers from the crowd.
The town drunk hands him a glass and says, “Here, try this”
Unruffled, the man smiles and takes a sip, and immediately spits it back out.
“Good God man, that’s Piss!”
“Right!” exclaims the drunk. “Now, how old am I?”
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