A Groom Passes Down The Aisle Of The Church.

A groom passes down the aisle of the church to take his place by the altar and the best man notices that the groom has the biggest, brightest smile on his face:

The best man says.

“Hey man, I know you are happy to be getting married, but what’s up you look so excited.”

The groom replies.

“I just had the best bj I have ever had in my entire life and I am marrying the wonderful woman who gave it to me.”

The bride comes walking down the aisle and she, too, has the biggest, brightest smile on her face.

The maid of honour notices this and says.

“Hey girlfriend, I know you are happy to be getting married, but what’s up, you look so excited.”

The bride replies.

“I have just given the last bj of my entire life.”

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