A donkey is sitting at a bar after a long day’s work carrying kids around on the beach.
He’s having a quiet drink by himself when a thoroughbred racehorse joins him.
They’re having a nice time until the pub calls the last orders.
As they’re leaving the horse asks the donkey to join him for a nightcap at his place and the donkey jumps at the chance.
As soon as the donkey walks into the horse’s place he’s surrounded by pictures, newspaper cuts out and trophies.
The donkey asks ‘where did you get this stuff from?’
The racehorse replies ‘well these are from my history as one of the greatest horses to ever race. I have one the gold cup three times, the grand national twice and much much more.’
The donkey is shocked that such a successful racehorse would be friends with such a sad and lonely donkey but they have a great time and agree to meet at the donkey’s house the following day.
On the walk home the donkey wonders what he can do to impress the amazing racehorse as he doesn’t want to lose face admitting that all he does is carry kids around the beach.
He has a great idea so goes to the beach and takes a photo of his mate, who happens to be a zebra.
He gets the photo blown up and hangs it on full display in his living room.
The following day the horse comes around and instantly mentions the picture.
‘So what’s this picture? It looks very impressive’ says the horse
The donkey replies ‘Ah that’s just when I was playing left wingback for Juventus’
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