A Dad And His Young Boy Go To The Zoo. –

A dad and his young boy go to the zoo.

They are in front of the gorilla cage, and the little boy throws him a peanut.

The gorilla catches it, puts it in the butthole, then removes it, and finally, he eats it.

Seeing this show, the little boy and the father let out a “Ewwww” of disgust.

In spite of everything, and to be sure of not having dreamed it, they throw another peanut to the gorilla and the gorilla sticks it up his butt first then eats it.

At this point, the zoo keeper passes.

The father tells him about the gorilla

“This gorilla is really stupid, he sticks his foot up his butt before he eats it.

Think again, he is very intelligent:

Last week, someone gave him a mango, and he could not pass the pit …

so now he checks that it will pass each time.

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