A Chicken And A Horse Are Playing Together. –

A chicken and a horse are playing together in a barnyard:

Suddenly the horse falls into a pit.

He yells to the chicken.

“Go get the farmer, save me, save me.”

The chicken goes looking for the farmer but can’t find him.

So he gets the farmer’s BMW and drives it over to mud pit, lassos the horse, ties it to the car and pulls him out.

The horse says. “Thank you, Thank you, I owe you my life.”

Then a couple of days later they’re playing again and this time the chicken falls into the mud pit and the chicken says.

“Help me Help me. Go get the farmer.”

So the horse says. “No No No, I think I can get you.”

The horse stretches across the mud pit and tells the chicken.

“Grab onto my d!ck.”

The chicken grabs on, the horse stretches back, and the horse saves the chickens’ life.

So what’s the moral of the story?

If you have a d!ck the size of a horse’s, then you don’t need a BMW to pick up chicks…

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