A Bird Fell Out Of The Nest.


A little bird fell out of the nest and went to explore the surrounding world.

Soon he meets a large, hairy animal and asks:

“Hello, I’m a little bird. Who are you?”

Hello. I’m the Wolf-dog”

“A wolf-dog? That’s weird! How can you be a wolf-dog? You can either be a wolf or a dog!”

“You know, my mother is a dog, my father is a wolf, and here I am. A wolf-dog”

“Oooh, that’s great! I learned something today! Thank you!” and flies away

After a while, the little bird reaches the river and sees a fish going upstream.

“Hello fish, I’m a little bird. Who are you?”

“Oh, if you knew… I’m the Salmon Trout”

“A salmon trout? That’s impossible! There’s no such fish! You can either be a salmon or a trout!”

“You know, my mother is a trout, my father is a salmon, and here I am. The Salmon Trout”

“Oooh, that’s wonderful! I learned something today! Thank you!” and flies away After a little while, the little bird meets a tiny insect buzzing in front of its beak and asks:

“Hello tiny insect, I’m a little bird. Who are you?”

“Oh, if you knew… I’m the Tiger Mosquito”

“S*r************w you!

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