80-year-old Conyers man loses home, car, truck, and dog in fire

Fifty years of memories, photos of his wife and kids, gone forever. No clothes except for what he and his grandson had on them when they escaped the fire.

CONYERS, Ga. — Walter Harris isn’t much of a talker.  A simple “yes” or “mmhmm” is his standard answer to a question.

But, watching the disabled 80-year-old man sit in the middle of hundreds of pieces of charred wood, smash pieces of it with a hammer – sends a direct message.

On March 22, Harris woke up at 4 a.m. and went to his kitchen.

“I heard something poppin’ and went to the kitchen and I see the blaze,” Harris recounted. “I ran to get my clothes on, and by the time I got my clothes on, the smoke was in the kitchen where I was.”

His house was on fire from a possible gas leak. And in a short amount of time, his house, car, truck, were destroyed, with everything inside – including his dog, Dollar Bill.

“That was his life partner,” said his niece Renee’ Simpson.

Walter’s lived in the home off Grimes Street in Conyers since he was 29. Fifty years of memories, photos of his wife and kids. Gone forever. No clothes, no anything, except for what he and his grandson had on them when they escaped the fire.

“Didn’t save nothing,” Harris said plainly.

“This is what it looks like,” Simpson said, panning her phone around to show the once-family home, caved in on itself, not a piece of the wood frame untouched by fire.

“In essence, this is all he knows. This is where he raised his children, this is where he was with his wife, his family. This is his everything.”

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