11-Year-Old Secretly Gives His Pocket Money To Classmate Who Couldn’t Afford Food, Kindness Moves Mother

As young primary school students, the pocket money may be extremely precious for most of us, down to the very last cent.

So when this mother learned that her 11-year-old son had been giving money to his classmate who couldn’t afford food, she was naturally overwhelmed by her son’s .

Source: Instagram

On Instagram, when sharing her thoughts, the mother said her son reminded her to always be to those around her.

On Friday (26 Nov), took to Instagram to share a story that Shan, her 11-year-old son, had been keeping from her.

It all started when Shan told that his teacher had described him as “kind”.

The boy explained that it was because of the fact that he has been lending money to his classmate who always doesn’t have enough money to eat during recess.

Shan continued that his classmate isn’t given enough allowance for food and drinks; therefore he will typically only get a drink.

Shan felt bad about his classmate’s situation, so he decided to lend him some money.

Nurul then learned that the classmate gets an allowance of $1 or $2 a day and asked how Shan’s classmate paid him back if he only had $1.

For illustrative purpose (Source: Shutterstock

Afraid his mother would scold him, he sheepishly said his classmate does not pay him back in full. Instead, he would only take about 20 cents back each time.

Shan said he pitied the classmate and doesn’t have the heart to ask for the full amount.

then reassuringly told her son that he did not have to ask for the money back at all if he felt bad.

Nevertheless, Shan further explained that he had to since his teacher would often ask if the classmate had paid him back.

Because of not wanting his classmate to get in trouble, Shan accepts the 20 cents as repayment.

After hearing that Shan had been giving money to his classmate for the whole year, was touched by her son’s kind heart.

Source: Instagram

Shan apparently even apologised for not telling his mother, but the 39-year-old mother found it hard to blame him for anything.

After all, he was just being a good friend.

After that, the proud mother told Shan that instead of hiding the truth, he could simply inform his teacher in private that he doesn’t mind that the classmate doesn’t pay him back.

Reflecting on the incident, the said her 11-year-old son is always the one who reminds her to be to everyone and that there’s no need to ‘announce’ such deeds to the world.

The woman also added in her caption that Shan is teaching her more about life than she is teaching him.

Source: mustsharenews

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